Nuxt mid-level certification launch date announced!


refreshNuxtData refetches all data from the server and updates the page.
refreshNuxtData re-fetches all data from the server and updates the page as well as invalidates the cache of useAsyncData , useLazyAsyncData, useFetch and useLazyFetch.


refreshNuxtData(keys?: string | string[])


  • keys:
    Type: String | String[]
    refreshNuxtData accepts a single or an array of strings as keys that are used to fetch the data. This parameter is optional. All useAsyncData and useFetch are re-fetched when no keys are specified.

Refresh All Data

This example below refreshes all data being fetched using useAsyncData and useFetch on the current page.

<script setup lang="ts">
const refreshing = ref(false)
const refreshAll = async () => {
  refreshing.value = true
  try {
    await refreshNuxtData()
  } finally {
    refreshing.value = false

    <button :disabled="refreshing" @click="refreshAll">
      Refetch All Data

Refresh Specific Data

This example below refreshes only data where the key matches to count.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { status, data: count } = await useLazyAsyncData('count', () => $fetch('/api/count'))
const refresh = () => refreshNuxtData('count')

    {{ status === 'pending' ? 'Loading' : count }}
  <button @click="refresh">Refresh</button>
Read more in Docs > Getting Started > Data Fetching.