Nuxt mid-level certification launch date announced!


Learn how to use TypeScript with Nuxt Bridge.

Remove Modules

  • Remove @nuxt/typescript-build: Bridge enables same functionality
  • Remove @nuxt/typescript-runtime and nuxt-ts: Nuxt 2 has built-in runtime support

Set bridge.typescript

import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  bridge: {
    typescript: true,
    nitro: false // If migration to Nitro is complete, set to true

Update tsconfig.json

If you are using TypeScript, you can edit your tsconfig.json to benefit from auto-generated Nuxt types:

+ "extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
As .nuxt/tsconfig.json is generated and not checked into version control, you'll need to generate that file before running your tests. Add nuxi prepare as a step before your tests, otherwise you'll see TS5083: Cannot read file '~/.nuxt/tsconfig.json'
Keep in mind that all options extended from ./.nuxt/tsconfig.json will be overwritten by the options defined in your tsconfig.json. Overwriting options such as "compilerOptions.paths" with your own configuration will lead TypeScript to not factor in the module resolutions from ./.nuxt/tsconfig.json. This can lead to module resolutions such as #imports not being recognized.In case you need to extend options provided by ./.nuxt/tsconfig.json further, you can use the alias property within your nuxt.config. nuxi will pick them up and extend ./.nuxt/tsconfig.json accordingly.